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Ugyanez vonatkozik a könyvkiadásra is...

argo 3d

I once had a thought, an idea of a giant hull. Later I realized I was reading Captain Nemo too young. The thought lived on. It did not cease. I get used to the fact that my constant aquatic life encourages me to get to know different ships. As I was thinking of building a smaller ship, my principles began to steer me in one direction. I already had a picture of a sea kayak that could go out into the open water.
I was working on the realization of a ship that brings new things in terms of form and structure. October 2010: A 6.2 meters vacuum sandwich carbon-Kevlar hull jumped into the water on the Obuda Shipyard Island (Óbudai-sziget). A wild splash, and then his curves gently set to where my plans were. The picture came together. The hull set off, and the crouching builder sitting in it never forgets that moment, but it was clear in the early winter afternoon.